The Delhi Police issued a fresh notice to AAP MLA Mohinder Goyal in connection with a fake Aadhaar card investigation. BJP leaders claim that votes of Bangladeshi infiltrators were being added ahead of the Assembly elections by using fake Aadhar cards. Meanwhile the ruling AAP has dismissed the allegations as being ‘politically motivated’.
Several Bangladeshi nationals were arrested recently in connection a fake Aadhaar case and investigation remains underway. The Delhi Police notice has called for the AAP MLA and his office staff to join the ongoing probe. Goyal however told ANI that he was yet to receive an official message from the authorities.
“They said that this is a matter of making (Aadhar) cards for Bangladeshis. Whereas nothing like this has been done from my side to date. This is only politically motivated. We neither do any wrong nor are we in favour of any wrongdoing… all this is politically motivated. And I think our local candidates have some hand in this,” he told ANI on Sunday.
BJP leaders have accused the AAP government of garnering the support of ‘anti-national’ forces to win the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi.
“Why are Aam Aadmi Party leaders silent on such issues related to national security? Who are those infiltrators who want to weaken the democratic structure of our country by making fake voter cards? Why are Aam Aadmi Party MLAs not coordinating with the investigating agencies? Aam Aadmi Party is standing in support of Bangladeshi infiltrators,” Smriti Irani said on Sunday.
According to BJP National Spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi, a probe into fake voter registrations in the national capital has revealed that votes of Bangladeshi infiltrators were being added using fake Aadhar cards. He further alleged the involvement of two AAP MLAs–Mohinder Goyal and Jai Bhagwan Upkar–of being involved in the “conspiracy”.
(With inputs from agencies)
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